Profits & Risks In Microfinance - 2022
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In 2022, microfinance leaders want to know how to achieve sustainable profitability.
FLUID worked with 30 microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Ghana to answer that question.
In our report, you will learn:
Loan Defaults and Competition compel MFIs to adapt
The best performing MFIs adapt their customer approach by:
- Study human and economic factors before issuing loans to communities
- Use technology to make it easy for customers to use their services
- Develop a culture of customer service to retain customers longer
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Risk in Microfinance Derails Any Strategy.
Most MFIs in Ghana identify human intervention as their biggest risk. Specifically interactions between staff and customers in the Field.
Poor Loan Appraisals, Fund Diversion and Bad Customer cause the most damage for MFIs in Ghana.
MFIs can control risk by:
Using Technology to limit human intervention problems and regularly auditing their teams to find ways to improve.
Cashpoint Microfinance Ltd
Cash Point Microfinance increased their loan repayment rate from 50% to 95% by making key strategic changes.
Akuapem Rural Bank
Akuapem Rural Bank is a leader in microfinance risk control. Learn how they increased saving deposits by 109% below.
Agriculture is the Largest Microfinance Market. And it is Untapped.
Close to half of Ghana’s labour force works in agriculture. However, weather risk and operational challenges limit financing in the sector.
Crop Yield Insurance can be a Catalyst.
By using satellite technology, weather shocks can be predicted and insured against in a cost-effective way.
This will allow microfinance investors to support small-holders farmers through input financing at scale
Risk Control
Our Risk ControlTech ensures that all payments and data collected on the field is secured and traceable
Scale Productivity
Empower your microfinance staff with Fluid technology and gain speed and precision on the field
Build Trust
Your customers deserve to know that their money and data are safe with you. Fluid helps you get there